2CG Automotive Styling

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The Process behind ppf Installations

The process of Paint Protection Film (PPF) installation is a meticulous procedure that requires a blend of technical expertise, precision, and specialized equipment to achieve a seamless finish. Here is a detailed overview of the installation process, the skills required, and the technology used to ensure a perfect fit and finish.

1. Preparation: - The vehicle is thoroughly washed and decontaminated to remove any dirt, wax, or surface impurities. Special attention is paid to edges and seams where the film will end. - The paintwork is then clay barred and may be polished to ensure a flawless surface for the film to adhere to.

2. Cutting the PPF: PPF is generally pre-cut using a precision cutting machine, such as a plotter, guided by computer software specifically designed for PPF patterns. The software contains detailed templates for different car models to ensure the film is cut to the exact shape and size of the vehicle parts to be covered. We will also modify the templates for extended coverage in most cases. This technology allows for minimal cutting on the vehicle and precision applications.

3. Film Application: The PPF is carefully placed onto the prepared area of the vehicle. Installers use their skills to align the film with precision, ensuring that all edges and contours match the vehicle's shape. - Squeegees are used to remove the application solution from under the film, smoothing out any bubbles or creases and ensuring firm adhesion.

4. Trimming : - If necessary, excess film is carefully trimmed away using a sharp knife. Installer expertise is crucial in this step to prevent damage to the vehicle’s paint.

5. Final Inspection: - The film is inspected for imperfections or air bubbles, and edges are wrapped wherever possible to give a fully encapsulated protection. - Heat guns are used to promote adhesion around contours and to cure the film’s edges.